5 Exercises To Burn Back Fat Faster

Back fat is not a pretty sight. While it can feel soft to the touch - like when you are hugging a big, cuddly person - on the sexy scale back fat is pretty close to the bottom. This type of fat can be most obvious when a person is fully-clothed. For women, it shows up as a bulge around bra straps or tights shirts, and a too-tight-fitting t-shirt on a man can really accentuate this type of body fat.

Fortunately, there are some great ways to burn away back fat. Of course, having the proper diet can help. But, there is nothing like good-old-fashioned exercise that focuses on those trouble areas and puts the smack-down on that stubborn fat deposit.

1. Seated cable rowsSeated cable rows are a lot of fun and they give you a good burn in your back. Watch as the back fat melts away. 
  • Find a seated cable row machine. Sit forward on the bench while you grab the cable handle. Place your feet on the platform.
  • Slide your butt backwards as you extend your legs, but keeping your knees slightly bent.
  • Pull the cable handle toward your waist while you straighten your lower back. Pull back your shoulders and push out your chest, arching your back slightly.
  • Return your arms to an extended position while stretching your shoulders forward again. Repeat with 8-12 reps, 2-3 sets.
2. Pull-upsPull-ups work many of the same muscles that lat pull-downs do. They may actually be a bit harder to do, since they require that you be able to lift your entire body weight. 
  • Grip the pull-up bar at a grip that is wider than shoulder-width.
  • Start in a hanging position, with straight elbows.
  • Pull yourself up, clearing the bar with your chin on each rep.
  • Breathe when you are at the bottom, rather than at the top.
  • Be sure to keep your chest up and your shoulders back, and concentrate on looking up the entire time. Cross your feet so that it is harder to "cheat" by swinging your legs. Do 8-12 reps, 2-3 sets.
3. Lat pull-downsIf you are not already doing lat pull-downs, you should be. This is a great exercise for melting away the fat on your back. It really works the shoulder and back muscles, as well as your biceps (the front of your arms). 
  • Stand in front of a lat pull-down machine that is equipped with a wide grip bar. Start with a light weight (maybe 40 pounds - you can always add more later).
  • Grasp the bar with an overhand (palms away from you) grip that is wider than your shoulders. Sit down at the machine.
  • Keep your back straight and eyes facing in front of you. Slowly pull the bar down to your chest without touching the bar to your chest.
  • Pause, then slowly bring the weight back up (but not letting the weight touch the stack). Do 8-12 reps, 2-3 sets.
4. Bent-over rowThis is another great back fat burner. The basic image is that you are                                bending over forward at an angle as you pull barbells toward you. 
  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width while keeping your back straight.
  • Bend your knees slightly and pull in your stomach as you hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Bend your body forward at a 90-degree angle at the waist, but keep your back straight.
  • As your arms hang forward, slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together and bend your elbows, hold for a moment, then allow your hands to return to the lowered position. Do as many reps as you can, 2 sets.
5. Opposite arm & leg lifts:  This one really works the back muscles. 
  • Lie down on your stomach with arms straight above your head and legs straight and forehead resting on the floor.
  • Slowly raise your right arm and your left leg off the ground at the same time while keeping your pelvis and chest on the floor.
  • Lower, then repeat with left arm and right leg.
Try these 5 exercises Everyday. it will burn back fat faster.


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